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Environment, Technology and Economy Service Day

Upper Marlboro Research and Education Center 

Meeting time and location: 8.00 a.m., in front of Chestertown Hall

This 202-acre area known as the Upper Marlboro facility is located in Prince George's County. This facility focuses on the development of alternative crops to replace the declining tobacco crop in Maryland. We will work with researchers on site

Additional items to bring:

  • Hat and/or sunglasses
  • Shorts or pants are appropriate
  • Bandana or small towel (recommended)

Lyme disease is increasingly prevalent in Maryland. During Service Day, we will be in areas where ticks are found; we encourage you to take precautions. These may include wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts. You can tuck shirts into pants and pants into socks, which results in questionable fashion but keeps ticks on the outside of clothing. You may also apply tick-repellent products to your clothes. Be sure to shower and change your clothes immediately after returning from Service Day.

Clagett Farm

Meeting time and location: 8.00 a.m. in front of Chestertown Hall

Our ultimate goal is to use farming methods that are truly sustainable—both economically and environmentally. We serve as a demonstration that sustainable agriculture methods can work and maintain an economically viable working farm and as an outdoor classroom to educate the public about our mission. We will work with farm staff to assist them with ongoing projects on site. Each group will get more details about their specific projects on Service Day.

Additional items to bring:  

  • Hat and/or sunglasses
  • Shorts or pants are appropriate
  • Bandana or small towel (recommended)

Lyme disease is increasingly prevalent in Maryland. During Service Day, we will be in areas where ticks are found; we encourage you to take precautions. These may include wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts. You can tuck shirts into pants and pants into socks, which results in questionable fashion but keeps ticks on the outside of clothing. You may also apply tick-repellent products to your clothes. Be sure to shower and change your clothes immediately after returning from Service Day.

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