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  • 2 Scholars alums named Merrill Presidential Scholars

    Two Scholars alumni were among the 19 graduating seniors named this year’s Philip Merrill Presidential Scholars. The program recognizes the University of Maryland’s most successful seniors—as chosen by their academic colleges—and additionally honors the university faculty and K–12 teachers they cite for their mentorship. The two alums were: Alexia Ayuk, Business, Society and the Economy Katelyn Wang, Environment, Technology and Economy

  • Smith School Professor with Expertise in Scenario Planning to Lead Business, Society and the Economy Scholars Program

    Dr. Oliver Schlake, a clinical professor at the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business, will be the new director of Business, Society and the Economy Scholars, effective July 1, 2022. Dr. Oliver Schlake, a longtime clinical professor and senior executive teaching fellow at the University of Maryland Robert H.

  • 6 Scholars Alums Selected to Serve as Spring Commencement Senior Marshals

    The University of Maryland has announced its senior marshals for Spring Commencement, slated for Friday, May 20. Six College Park Scholars alumni number among the 60 graduating seniors serving as marshals:

  • College Park Scholars Grieves Unexpected Passing of BSE Director Mark Wellman

    College Park Scholars is grieving the loss of Dr. Mark Wellman, director of the Business, Society and the Economy (BSE) Scholars program, who died unexpectedly last week of a heart attack. He had served as director of BSE since 2005. A clinical professor in the Robert H. Smith School of Business, Wellman had been at the University of Maryland since 1990 and had also recently stepped into the role of assistant dean of alumni and corporate engagement in the Smith School.

  • Scholars recognizes Citation Class of 2021, Founders Circle Award winners

    When the Scholars Citation Class of 2021—all 930 of them—stepped onto the University of Maryland campus in August of 2019, spirits were undoubtedly high. College Park Scholars was celebrating its 25th anniversary, with branded #ScholarsAt25 shirts, buttons and laptop stickers, and even a Maryland Dairy ice cream flavor created specifically for the occasion. But spirits sank in March of 2020 with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, sending the cohort into a virtual experience for the rest of their time in the program.

  • 3 Scholars Alums Among University’s Undergraduate Researchers of the Year

    Three Scholars alums were among the seven students named University of Maryland’s 2021 Undergraduate Researchers of the Year. Andrew Forschler, Arts Rebecca Gordon, Public Leadership Neehar Peri, Business, Society and the Economy Selected by a panel of faculty and staff, this honor recognizes select undergraduate students who displayed exceptional commitment to and accomplishments in undergraduate research at the university

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