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Life Sciences

Exploring the entirety of the natural world, from tiny microbes to complex ecosystems

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We live on a vast planet, alongside billions of other living organisms—both visible to the naked eye and not. Life Sciences introduces students to the interdisciplinary nature of the life sciences and explores how we might best apply the knowledge we gain to better our community, our nation and the world we share with our fellow inhabitants.

Discussing a range of topics, including molecular biology, human genetics, ecology, evolution, conservation and ethics, students in this Scholars program seek to answer big questions:

  • How do we use our knowledge and skills to improve various aspects of human health? 
  • How do we create a sustainable future for all life forms?
  • How do the life sciences interact with our daily lives (religion, politics, relationships, business, the arts)?

Ultimately, students discover how they might build toward careers to help their fellow human beings and other life on this planet.

This program offers a close community of students who share a common passion for life sciences, broadly defined, and an enduring concern for the well-being of others. 

Example Colloquium and Lecture Topics

  • The nature of science and the process of scientific discovery
  • Genetics, ancestry, and inheritance
  • The interaction of scientific knowledge and the public
  • Professional development: Finding an internship or research experience
  • Movie: The Serengeti Rules
  • Cathedrals of Science: The human scientists behind science
  • Individual journeys defining success for Life Sciences Scholars

The program actively encourages involvement in opportunities to explore the extensive breadth of professions related to the sciences. The relationships and experiences [of Life Sciences] go beyond the typical expectations associated with large, competitive education institutions.

Leela Johnson
Leela Johnson '22
Semester 1 CPSF 100: Colloquium I 1 credit
BSCI 160 + 161S: Ecology and Evolution + Lab (DSNL) 4 credits
CHEM 131 + 132S: General Chemistry + Lab (DSNL) 4 credits
CMNS 100: Becoming a Science Terp 1 credit
Semester 2 CPSF 101: Colloquium II 1 credit
BSCI 170 + 171S: Molecular and Cellular Biology + Lab (DSNL) 4 credits
Semester 3 CPSF 200: Colloquium III 1 credit
Semester 4 BSCI 258: Internship 2 credits

Office Address

1212 Centreville Hall

Office Phone



Portrait of Nicholas Fletcher

Nicholas Fletcher

Program Director, Life Sciences
Portrait of Erin Thomson

Erin Thomson

Assistant Director, Life Sciences
Portrait of Tasmia Zaman

Tasmia Zaman

Graduate Assistant, Life Sciences

News and Notes, Etc.

Life Sciences News

Showing 25 - 25 of 25
  • Me Too Monologues Make Debut With College Park Scholars

    On March 31, the Cambridge Community will host the first-ever Me Too Monologues on the College Park campus. Me Too Monologues is a documentary theater performance about identity and all the issues that surround it. Students and faculty have been asked to anonymously submit stories about their experiences, and peers will perform their stories as monologues in a theatrical production. This is a national production that has been performed at colleges all over the country. Sophomore Life Sciences Scholar Maryam Ghaderi decided to propose that Scholars host this event after hearing about the Me Too Monologues from friends.

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