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Arts students pose in front of a mural


Creative practice as personal expression and social commentary


Art—in its infinite forms, functions and implications—is the most accessible and universal way of constructing meaning out of the world we inhabit.

The Arts Scholars program helps students gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the role that art plays in society and in history. Through a mix of lectures, discussions, demonstrations, collaborative art-making and interactions with guest artists, students consider:

  • How art can help us uncover our past and more readily imagine the possibilities of the future;
  • How and why art may be used to make an impact or send a message; and
  • What different works of art, and personal reactions to them, may signify.

Students will be challenged to conceptualize, articulate and present original ideas through a variety of methods, getting firsthand experience in creative problem-solving and project execution. Ultimately, students will strengthen their personal artistic skill and learn to appreciate a broad spectrum of art disciplines. 

The Arts Scholars program attracts a diverse student population from a range of academic disciplines. No matter their area of artistic interest or skill level, students will find themselves immersed in a collaborative learning environment.

Colloquium and Lecture Topics

  • What is art? What is “good” art? Understanding social definitions of art and their influence on artistic taste. 
  • How can we leverage the influence of artistic practice to constructively comment on the depth of our differences, our shared commonalities, and the nuances of identity as individuals and community members?
  • What does research look like in the arts? Exploring common methods of creative and artistic research in the professional world.
  • In what ways can we embrace creative approaches to identify, address and bring clarity to the societal challenges faced by “you,” “us,” “them” or “other”?
  • How can art reshape or recontextualize understanding of our (individual and societal) learned history, biases and beliefs? How can it make visible the invisible?
  • West African djembe: Exploring the role of music in community building, storytelling and cultural understanding

I have been challenged to think differently, work cooperatively, embrace creativity and, most importantly, go beyond the limits I have set for myself. Because of this program, I can confidently say I feel infinitely more prepared for the “real world,” and for that confidence and growth, I could never be more grateful.

Alexandra Curry
Alexandra Curry, '22

Other Learning Opportunities

A variety of learning opportunities supplements the Arts curriculum. As an Arts Scholar, you will be introduced to artists, professional ensembles and world-class institutions each semester, through workshops led by guest artists; attendance at live performances in Washington, DC, New York City and on campus; and visits to the Smithsonian's renowned art and history museums.

In addition, you will get a chance to:

  • Conceptualize, execute and present a capstone project of your choosing during your second year;
  • Participate in service-learning with local schools and arts nonprofit organizations; and
  • Cultivate valuable leadership and communication skills through peer mentoring and peer teaching opportunities.

Curriculum Overview

Over the two-year program experience (four semesters), students will complete up to 6 credits of supporting courses that will count toward your Arts Scholars citation. In most cases, these will also fulfill General Education requirements. Note that your Scholars courses—colloquiums, capstone practicum and supporting courses—will generally be in addition to any courses you take to satisfy major requirements.

The following represents a typical two-year curriculum, but individual schedules may vary. Details about courses and requirements can be found on the Arts Citation Checklist. 

Freshman Fall Scholars Colloquium 1 credit
Academic Writing (can be taken either Freshman Fall or Spring semesters) 3 credits
Arts Service Learning (Optional) 2 credits
2–4 courses toward degree and major requirements (including possible supporting course) 6–12 credits
Freshman Spring Scholars Colloquium 1 credit
Arts Service Learning (Optional) 2 credits
3–5 courses toward degree and major requirements (including possible supporting course) 9–15 credits
Sophomore Fall Scholars Colloquium 1 credit
4–5 courses toward degree and major requirements (including possible supporting course) 12–15 credits
Sophomore Spring Scholars Colloquium 1 credit
Scholars Capstone 2 credits
4–5 courses toward degree and major requirements (including possible supporting course if not already completed) 12–15 credits

Sponsoring College 

College of Arts and Humanities

Residence Hall

Bel Air Hall

Office Address

1110 Bel Air Hall

Office Phone



Portrait of Harold Burgess

Harold Burgess

Program Director, Arts
Portrait of Heather Bremenstuhl

Heather Bremenstuhl

Associate Director, Arts

Social Media, Etc.

Arts News

Showing 127 - 132 of 150
  • The Case for Global Learning, Scholars Style

    Things I did not know in early January:

  • Scholars Partnership on Virus Study Builds Upon Flu Findings

    They say laughter is contagious. And yawns. And, of course, the flu. Most people figure they catch the flu by touching contaminated surfaces or being exposed to droplets from a sick person’s coughs or sneezes. But it turns out the flu may be even more contagious through the air than we had thought. University of Maryland Professor Don Milton and several other researchers just released new findings that the flu may actually be spread just by breathing. For students of College Park Scholars, the discovery underscores the unique opportunity they have to be involved in groundbreaking public health research.

  • How International Studies Helped This Alumni Lawyer 'Discover the World'

    When Valerie Redmond was studying government and politics at the University of Maryland, law school was always in the back of her mind. An alumna of the International Studies Scholars program, Redmond now works for Price Waterhouse Cooper in New York focusing on consumer compliance. Redmond knew she wanted to work as a lawyer after she took a class on the Supreme Court with Michael Spivey, a professor in the Department of Government and Politics. The class utilized real cases and required students to re-enact the arguments and determine how the case would go, Redmond explained.

  • Science, Technology and Society Alum Transforms Internship Into a Career at DOJ

    After interning with the Department of Justice his junior year, Science, Technology and Society alumnus John Rookard applied for a position with the Justice Department the summer before his senior year. Rookard realized that there were post-grad professional opportunities for him at the Justice Department after speaking with the human resources manager at his internship. He applied for one of these positions August 2016, and received an offer in March of this year.

  • ‘Proud to be a Scholar’: Arts Alum Now Working as Healthcare Lobbyist

    Looking back, Arts Scholars alumna Shannon Gahs says it’s interesting to see how Arts Scholars alumni have used their experience in the program to bridge into different areas. After graduating from the University of Maryland in 2006, Gahs attended the University of Baltimore School of Law. She is now working at Bayada Home Health Care advocating for policies that will benefit nurses and therapists. In August, she was promoted to director of government affairs. “I’m using the organizational and presentation skills [that I developed in Arts] to bring together grassroots support and build coalitions with other groups advocating for our patients and nursing staff,” Gahs said.

  • Scholars Recognized at 2017 University Awards

    Scholars students took home several top awards at the 36th University Student Leadership Awards on Sunday, May 7. University Awards recognized Maryland Medallion Society members and Byrd/Elkins Finalists who have contributed significantly to the general advancement of this university’s interests and displayed outstanding involvement and leadership in campus activities. These students are the university’s top 20 senior students; two Scholars alumni were recognized by the Maryland Medallion Society:

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