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Scholars Faculty and Staff Awards

If a Scholar faculty, staff member, or graduate assistant has been a positive influence and made a significant impact on your college experience during the 2024-2025 academic year, consider nominating them for one of the Faculty and Staff Appreciation Awards!

This award is for any professor, faculty, staff member, or graduate assistant who ever acted as a mentor or role model during your time in Scholars. They have provided you with advice for your academic, professional, or even personal life. They encourage you during the moments that are challenging and empower you to be the best version of yourself.

This award is for any professor, faculty, staff member, or graduate assistant who embodies the charisma and positive attitude of late Director Dr. Wellman of the Business, Society and Economy program. This is someone whose personality is infectious, and who lights up a room just by walking into it. They are compassionate leaders who inspires those around them, and lift others always.

An unsung hero is someone who is not always in the limelight, but without their contributions, tasks and projects would not be completed. Their work is invaluable and a lot of the time they do not get the recognition they deserve. If you know someone that deserves that kind of overdue recognition, nominate them for this award.

Here's your chance to be creative! You can create and customize an award with someone specific in mind. This can also be a group effort within your cohort. Be as original as you would like!

** Important Note**
If your nominee is selected as a winner, you will be notified by Mid-April and you will be asked to send in a short, 30-second video tribute that will be featured during the presentation of awards. This will be especially helpful if you cannot make it to the awards ceremony in person! This is totally optional, but just giving you a heads up. You'll receive more guidelines if this pertains to you. Please contact Ashley Ogwo, Coordinator for Student Engagement, with any questions at

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